
I've tried to support links only to good sites, and avoid putting junk sites up. (Though my friends' and relatives' home pages are included; I like them all, but that may be just because they're my friends.)

Cool Sites:

Shakespeare - Complete works of William Shakespeare online

Calvin and Hobbes - Resurrected

Gilbert and Sullivan - Good stuff on good ol' G & S. - A great site for TI calculators.

GamaSutra - Game programmer's resource.

Freedom Ship - Freedom Ship City

National Renewable Energy Laboratories - Technologies for "clean" renewable energy


Friends' and Relatives' Sites:

CmdrS'Task's Home Page

Mike & Candy

The Forshock Group

Zach Bardon's Hyper Web Metapage

Whoo_Flung_Poo's Web Site

Ed's Volkswagen, Grateful Dead and Opera Singing home page

Links to Interesting Sites of Irrelevancy, Stupidity, or Nonsense

Oracle of Bacon at Virginia - The ultimate resource for the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.

Gilbert and Sullivan Parody Archive - There are some very good parodies here.

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog - The Only Page Good Enough To Poop On  - Conan O'Brian's comic guest

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