It has been nearly one month since I received my last e-mail from Zelda. I was beginning to feel I had fallen by the wayside again. I saw her online last night, and we talked briefly. She tells me she has trouble with her internet connection. Ah, well.
We discussed (briefly) the classes we were taking, and she described mine as "fun". I suppose that perhaps they are, in comparison with hers, which she perceives as a bit less than enjoyable. Of course, I have similar ideas about many of my own, but having heard this opinion of them changes things a bit. I suppose this is similar to a friend of mine, who has a good deal of work all the time. When I think of him, I don't feel quite as bad about doing my own work. Thinking of Zelda calling my classes "fun" makes them a little more bearable; it provides me with another perspective.
Ok, that's enough. Time to go write that thing due in an hour.