Ok, new thought. I'm sitting next to a female here in chapel, and she's one that I consider to be attractive. So I sit here in this oddly uneasy state, and I'm not sure what it is, exactly, that I'm experiencing.

I am uneasy because I am afraid of making a bad impression. Why? Future contact is unlikely, unless I pursue it. I think this is part of that odd curry-favor-with-pretty-girl thing that leads to bigger tips for attractive waitresses, and gratuitous assistance, compliments, etc. for pretty girls everywhere.

I pondered this attraction, and realized that it was very shallow. I don't know this girl. I don't even know what it is that I want with/from/etc. her. I envision an emotional closeness, and find that I don't particularly desire that. And though I find her attractive, I'm not terribly sexually excited by her, either. So this attraction, in addition to being odd in its occurrence, is also very odd in its nature. I'm not sure what to think of it.

Of course, I thought of Zelda. I really must stop that.

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