I am well pleased. I had finally begun to reach a state of acceptance of Zelda's indifference to our outing. Didn't have any places to "expand my portfolio", but that was ok. I was willing to go on with whatever life had coming to me. Done lamenting over the great something that had teased me with its possibility. Ready for the next thing. The previously mentioned duo of optimist and stubborn persevering one had me call once more, to see if she were free tonight. Possibly we might go miniature golfing with friends. Or whatever.
She was free!
Well, not for the golf. But she was free! There was a window of opportunity! She needed to shower, but she would call me when ready. "Oh, dear," said Doubter. "It is happening again. She will not call." But that was all right. I had already faced this. I was ready this time. I would not get hopes too high. Besides, I still had the miniature golf outing later. And friends are good.
She called. I went over. I picked her up. We went to an eating establishment, and purchased ice cream. I wanted to purchase them both, but she was moderately insistent and I didn't wish to be overbearing in any manner. Though I suppose I could have done something similar to what my friend did to me. Yes, that might not have been so bad. And it would have been honest. "Are you going to deny me the opportunity of blessing you by buying you ice cream?" Well, so perhaps I wouldn't have used the exact phrasing. But a similarly oblique approach may have been more appropriate than the tired, "No, I've got it."
Kevin, you are overanalyzing again. This is what gets you in trouble. Stop.
Ha, ha. He is such a fuddy-duddy. No fun. I will analyze what I wish.
Oh, dear. She has this URL now. She may be reading this. You'd better shape up and be more sane in this typing.
You can always censor, like you're always saying.
Yes and how often has that threat been carried through?
Good point. Lexy, I demand you give me back my prose.
Very well.
Right, then. Where were we? Ah, yes. We talked about many things. It was a good, healthy, meandering conversation. Though I did try to check my watch in a discreet manner several times. Though not for the reason one might think; I was dreading the time we would have to leave. Since there was a back end on this, I was continually afraid that it was approaching. I would check my watch and then think, "Ahhh. We have thirty minutes left." What a tasty contrast.
What I learned of her today was very encouraging. There is still the country music and football fan thing, but these are minor problems. We agree to a wonderful degree on many matters of philosophical and epistemological import. And she is intelligent. And she is even more likely a Christian; not too many intelligent people believe the world was created by a god in seven days unless they have some sort of reliable source.
Amongst the many topics we discussed was love, and marriage, and other such things. And though we didn't go too deep, I now at least know that she has beliefs fairly similar to mine. So, though it was accomplished in a relatively casual way, it is one less thing to worry about in the possible future.
I am now very happy for memories. Visual memories. Audio memories. Conceptual memories. Endorphic memories. Very wonderful. Actually, I can't pull up many audio memories on this one. But plenty of visuals. She is sitting across the little table from me. She is pretty. She is engaging in conversation. With interest. Yes, yes. Very pleasant.
She said she would call me this week when she is free. I am quite happy. Possibly she will meet my friend, who is freshly come from a relative-visiting trip, tomorrow. Perhaps not. We shall see. Ha, ha. She is worried about being "different". Seeing the two of us would quickly set that one straight. Hee, hee.
Then I went miniature golfing. It, too, was enjoyable. Bot not uniquely so.
Now I am off to bed so I can be rested for work (and whatever comes after) tomorrow.
After I check my e-mail. And upload this entry. After censoring.