You know, it really is interesting how, now and again, some event takes on particular significance, for whatever reason. For example, the thing that prompted this musing was a great uncle … Albert, I think. Yes, Albert, that's it, Albert and Alice. I'm not sure if they're Willises or not, by name, but they're in the family. This, where I am, is the Willis Family Reunion, and they've not come for some time now.

Oh, excuse me - I've taken a break for dinner and discovered that his name is Bob, not Albert. Ah, well. I know his face, anyway. But back to the subject at hand.

I'm not sure if there was some kind of argument or anything, but Bob and Alice haven't come to the reunion for many years. Perhaps they just didn't feel like coming; I know what that's like - I'm sure many do. Not that one feels strongly against coming, but that I don't really care enough to come. Of course, Bob and Alice live fairly close to the reunion's meeting place, so it is perhaps a bit odd that they would have stayed away for such a long time, when others travel much farther regularly.

So, it's become a "thing". And this year Alice has made a lasagna and he's bringing it, which will be the first time either of them has participated in I don't know how long, other than the reunion-ish aspects of meeting relatives who stop by for a chat, and the opportunity to coax them into coming.

The "thing" with Bob+Alice and reunion attendance reminds me of the way some people treat church attendance. Quite frankly, when I go to church I don't get a whole lot of God. Mainly what I get is people. And that's ok, I guess. But if my experience is atypical then that could be the reason I have a different vision of the ideal church. At least, it's one far preferable to the "everyone else isn't a true Christian" approach.

I guess I should write more about the (my) ideal church and how it's very possible that I've created it more to service my own personal social preferences, but I'd rather wait until I have a keyboard. It's much faster, and not as tiring to the fingers.

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